Ignorance, people can not always be blamed for this. Some are raised not knowing things, like tact, general respect for others. Not always a persons fault they are uneducated, though i prefer they make an effort to educate themselves, I run into the conundrum of them possibly not knowing how to self educate.
Arrogance, I can't complain about this because i find is humorous when people with exceptional knowledge of a subject overbearingly correct ignorant statements. I feel some well educated people who have put in the effort to make themselves experts in a field deserve some moments of pompousness.
I think its exceptionally disgusting when the 2 traits combine. the more i devour the internet, the more i bump into disturbing individuals peddling their fallacies as fact. Whats worse is when I attempt to confront the issue I run into even more stupidity.
the most recent example of this was on youtube. I ran into a misleading title to a video and then while investigating the user more He openly admits on his channel that his mission on youtube is to make other religions look bad so that Muslims look better.
Many comments had been made to him requesting a title change, and he eventually changed it without really changing the false message. I offered a suggestion for a title and pointed out the idiocy of his tactics.
He felt it necessary to educate me on muslims, and explained to me that my Doctor is probably muslim, muslims built the tallest building in the world (Dubai) and that I should stop getting all of my news and education from CNN and Fox.
I didn't realize that all doctors were muslims, so I apologized to him for that(CNN and fox failed to educate me of that fact). I felt it was important that building the tallest building in the world didn't require education, nor righteousness, but only money. In addition to that, I pointed out that Dubai had the building designed by engineers in the US, and the primary contractor came out of South Korea.
And then i get the string of nonsensical insults that weren't true nor relevant to anything we had talked about. is that how ignorant and arrogant people end conversations? I was blocked so I couldn't make any more progress with the creature.
Is this some part of human nature? To be blatantly ignorant? like a balloon filled with the nastiest fart? sometimes when I read this type of drivel I feel the urge to rip my eyes out and stomp on them.