Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Graves, The Outlaw

Today is Wednesday, October 19th
Graves was released this morning.  I immediately bought him and played a game with him.  My initial observation is that Grave is overpowered.  The fact that people do not understand his abilities right now adds even more to his strength

Graves Abilities:

  • True Grit (Passive): Graves gains increasing armor and magic resistance the longer he remains in combat.
everytime u hit something, you gain armor and magic resist, stacks up to 10 times!  goes away if you're out of combat for a few seconds

  • Buckshot: Graves fires three bullets in a cone damaging all enemies in the projectiles path. Enemies at close range can be hit by multiple projectiles, but each one beyond the first will deal reduced damage.
Its better to hit someone with multiple bullets because they  do 100% +35% each for each additional bullet that hits, upto 170% if u hit them with all 3 O.O .  This ability scales with about 80% of your bonus damage :D

  • Smokescreen: Graves fires a smoke canister at the target area that deals damage and creates a cloud of smoke. Enemies inside the smoke cloud have reduced sight range and movement speed.

an AOE blind and slow.  perfect for ganks, as shown in the spotlight.  the amazing versatility of this ability makes graves a game changer.  I think we'll see him in tournaments soon :)  This ability's damage scales with ap

  • Quickdraw: Graves dashes forward gaining an attack speed boost for several seconds. Attacking enemies lowers the cooldown of this skill.

how can we make an op champ even more of a nightmare?  oh ya, give him an escape/chase mechanic that increases attack speed O.o.  And yes, it can go through terrain 

  • Collateral Damage (Ultimate): Graves fires an explosive shell dealing heavy damage to the first target it hits. After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range the shell explodes dealing damage in a cone behind the target.

This ult is just awesome.  scales with ad(very high %, i think like 120%ad for initial blast, then 80% ad for cone), and is a skill shot.  its designed to work perfectly against the enemy teams typical positioning, where in team fights, its best to have your tank lead in, with everyone else behind.  with this u hit the tank in the face, and everyone behind him takes damage

for builds I would suggest AD, focus on bonus damage, and maybe a little attack speed to get your true grit up faster in fights.  health/lifesteal is also good because the enemy team will try to focus you down if they can

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Monday, October 10, 2011

UFC ULtimate fighter rigged fights? or bad reffing?

I enjoy mma.  Watching the first episode of this seasons ultimate fighter right now, and I'm noticing a disturbing trend.  They are ignoring the standard rules for UFC fights, and it seems like the refs are just there to determine the winner, and occasionally say 'let go of the fence'.

I found the hansen vs brimage fight extremely neglected in terms of reffing
Blatent knee to the face of a downed opponent from wiki
"downed opponent (also called a grounded opponent) is a combatant that is on the ground, as compared to a combatant that is in a standing position. This commonly implies that the downed combatant is lying on the ground, but can technically refer to any position in which anything except the soles of the combatants feet are touching the ground."
if the ref honestly didnt see it, he was the only one there who didnt because everyone went "OOOOOOOoooo" sounded like even they were expecting the ref to jump in and take a point  from Brimage, but no, he just watched like a women's basket ball ref.  its so blatant it makes me wonder if the ref was coached either not to ref, or to ref one sided.

 The other fights had similar situations, with knees to the groins completely ignored, and people with much worse view points of the fight than the ref seeing them with ease.

So frustrating to watch.  either have rules, or don't, but pretending to have rules just makes the Good fighters lose because they are the ones following them.